Who are Wild Card

We are a grassroots group of ordinary people, backed by some of the world’s leading climate scientists and ecologists. As the climate and extinction crisis worsens, we’re setting our long-term vision on 50% of the country being rewilded by 2050. That’s a big goal, so we’re starting by asking the country’s biggest landowners to urgently commit to ambitious rewilding projects to get us started.

We are artists, gardeners, teachers, ecologists, writers, filmmakers, students – all eager to build a wilder Britain.

And we couldn’t do it without the, to date, over 250,000 concerned citizens who have gotten involved in Wild Card by signing petitions, writing letters, coming out, liking posts, donating funds, and so much more. Coordinating that wild rabble are the following nature loving folk:

Annie Randall

Annie is a Wild Card co-founder, self taught artist and climate justice activist. Her campaigning has connected her with multiple movements, from fossil fuel divestment, to air pollution and helping build international climate action networks. She loves herbalism, mountains and folklore.

Joel Scott-Halkes

​Joel Scott-Halkes (he/him) is a Wild Card co-founder and currently works as our strategy and policy lead. In co-founding Wild Card, Joel and the team worked closely with ecologists, rewilding experts and climate scientists to map out a realistic pathway to a nature positive future. As a consultant on rewilding and food systems Joel has worked for a range of international charities, media outlets and governments on issues including plastic pollution, agricultural subsidies, land sparing and alternative proteins. Joel lives in Plymouth and loves exploring Dartmoor.


​Hazel Draper (she/her) is a Wild Card co-founder and teaches English at a comprehensive school beneath the wilderness of Heathcliffe’s wuthering moorlands. As a volunteer flood warden in a town devastated by floods, Hazel has a keen interest in how land management impacts upon communities and how rewilding can protect both people and planet.​

Elena Grice

Elena Grice (she/her) is a writer, artist and is currently retraining as an ecologist and rewilder. She started in activism young, as a student during the Iraq war, and after a break has returned to campaigning in the face of the environmental crisis. She enjoys hiking, paddleboarding and photography and has been working with Wild Card since April 2023.

Jasmine Isa Qureshi

​Jasmine Isa Qureshi (they/she), is a Journalist, Writer, Marine / Queer Ecologist and Researcher. Jasmine is someone who believes intersectional identity and storytelling is an essential part of the work they do, and as such is also a published Poet, an Ambassador for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, an advisor on the committee of RSPB England, a presenter, speaker, and workshop facilitator. They have worked in wildlife TV and are currently writing their first book. Jasmine is based in London and enjoys the company of insects just slightly more than humans.


Poppy (they/them) is a climate justice activist, who advocates strongly for the role of the youth voice in activism.  They got involved with Wild Card after realizing how intrinsic land justice was to the movement against environmental destruction. They are currently studying for a masters at the Center for Alternative Technology. They love playing folk music as a way to reconnect with each other and the land.​

Rosie Smart-Knight

Rosie Smart-Knight (she/her) has been involved in climate activism for the whole of her adult life, celebrating her 18th birthday whilst holding a youth strike protest. She is currently studying towards an MPhil at Cambridge University alongside her work for Wild Card.

Becky lindsay

​Becky is an environmental activist from Devon, based in South London. She has led campaigns focused on the issues surrounding gentrification, energy and biodiversity with organisations like The Young Foundation and Chilli. Currently she studies Msc Climate Change at King’s College London. She can usually be found travelling, making music or editing content for our socials!

claudia elliot

Claudia has spent 15 years in communications and campaigns for think tanks and non-profits working on environmental and economic injustice, including the New Economics Foundation and Global Witness. She completed Embercombe’s first Rewilding Training in 2022, and is a trained coach and Director of an anti-food waste project in the NE of England.

Heather Carswell

Heather is a communications specialist and writer, focusing on the environment, sustainability and travel. Having worked widely across the NGO and corporate sector, her experience encompasses the full communications spectrum, including media relations, crisis management, corporate comms and content production. She has written for a range of media, including Lonely Planet and the Independent.