Duke of Westminster

Net Worth: £9.87 billion
Land owned in England: 133,100 Acres (approx)
Educated: Ellesmere College
Wealth: Land owner and nobleman with inherited wealth
Titles: Duke of Westminster
Government Subsidies in 2016: £57,228
Government Subsidies in 2018: £122,308
Abbeystead Estate
Size: 23,500 acres
Status: Being burned and mismanaged for grouse shooting
Protected Environment: Forest of Bowland National Landscape AONB, SSSI
Wildlife: Curlew and Lapwing both red listed species and rare peatland
County: Lancashire
+ Eaton Estate 11,500 Acres including Eaton Hall his family home + Halkyn Estate 1800 acres + Reay Forest 96000 acres + La Gaganta 4000 acres in Spain + Mayfair and Belgravia 300 acres in the most expensive part of Lodon + more