Rewild the Royals

We played the royals and won

Rewild the royals

Since 2021 we’ve been writing to, petitioning, protesting, and even throwing down the gauntlet (literally!) to get the Royals to rewild.

With just a small team and little money, we embodied the voice of the jester – the only courtier who could speak the truth without losing their head for it. And it’s working. The Crown Estate have announced they will release beavers and even start rewilding their beloved Balmoral. While the Duchy of Cornwall has begun expanding one of the UK’s rare temperate rainforests.

But they can do so much more.

the biggest landowning family in BRITAIN.

A playing card design with the Prince William's likeness on it

Spread across a vast network of ancient estates, the Royals own an area of land and foreshore twice the size of Greater London. This huge area of land features some of Britain’s most important sites for wildlife but sadly most of it is in a dismal state for nature.

Frequently overgrazed or dominated by hunting estates, the Royal landholdings also feature some of the lowest tree coverage in the country. As outspoken nature lovers and heads of state, the Royal family should be leading the way. 

But how? By reinvesting the colossal profits they earn from their estates to support tenant farmers who manage their land to lead the way in restoring nature.


In July 2021 we sent an open letter to the Royals telling them it’s time to get real about action on the climate and biodiversity crises. It was signed by over 120 leading climate scientists, ecologists, professors of mental health, academics and broadcasters including:

Sir Michael Morpurgo OBE, Prof Alice Roberts, and Dr. Rowan Williams (Former Archbishop of Canterbury)


There are so many ways to help. Join our mailing list to hear about upcoming actions, workshops and talks. Or send your own letter to the Royals asking them to rewild.


Our open letter, petitions, and campaign have been a right royal success! The Royals have begun to rewild their land, showing our letters really do make a difference. But as the UK’s biggest land owners, they must go further. Why not write to the Royals yourself and tell them why you think the Royal Estates should commit to giving 50% of their land back to nature by 2050.